Back to ancient Rome
10:00 AM
I'm not a big fan of museums. I know: shame on me. But I don't like the feeling of being trapped on a building with tons of paintings and people who only look at the same spot of that thing in front of them. It's boring. And monotone.
On the other side, I prefer much more visiting open monumental spaces. Or buildings which are special per se. The ambient looks always different depending on the light, on the weather, if it's warm or freezing out there. And although they may be crowded as regular museums, it's quite easy to escape from the group for a moment and breathe. And discover little spots or locations by yourself. Or touch the stones with your fingers, seat and watch the people around. To be transferred to another time just by walking around.
That's what happened to me when visiting the monumental Theatre and Amphitheater at Mérida on the 1 week trip by road we took, which almost lead us to travel amongst all the country. The first thing I thought about these buildings was "I could shoot really nice fashion editorials around here!" because the scenery and the lights and shadows from the walls made of brick and stone are just delighting. Besides, is a place full of little details and a magical atmosphere. Totally worth it!
For the daily outfit in black and white, my flats and jacket were a total must, as it was totally freezing (I can say I needed another two or three extra layers). Always remember to carry enough clothes when packing and don't trust the weather guy!

I was wearing:
Jacket: Carroll
Bag: Lacoste
Shoes: Local store
Scarf: Zara
Trousers: Zara
Sunglasses: RayBan

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