3 essential tips to hair and skin-care this Summer
9:00 AM
My skin-care and hair routines change a lot during the Summer season. I do not have the same routines nor daily schedules that I have in Winter. I spend the weekends on the beach and the swimming pool, surrounded by sun and chlorine, which affect my sensitive skin and dry my hair more than usual. During the week, I spend many days in an office until noon, and when I get home it is under a scorching sun at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. For that reason, I feel that today I had to give you some of my tips and generic products that I use to take care of my skin and my hair during this season. This post complements in some way this other which I did a while ago where I discussed some of the products I used for my acne-prone skin and redness problems.
Sun cream
For a few years, I've been prone to get burned with sun exposure, even if this exposure is minimal. You will think that it is something obvious because I have very white skin, but when I was little my skin got a very nice tan and for a few years this hasn't been happening anymore. It must be the long hours I spent locked in studying Architecture ...
So, for me, sun protection is a real must-have on this list of tips to survive Summer. As for me, I do not use tanning oils, as I feel they do not protect me from the sun. I like, on the other hand, SPF +50 sun creams in a spray format, that are absorbed quickly in my skin and that are not too sticky. This year I have also added a cream with a high solar factor for the oily and sensitive skin to my beach and pool bag, and I am very happy with it because I no longer feel that I am so exposed to future wrinkles or spots on my skin.
Hair mask once a week + Sunscreen oil
I do not usually have problems with my hair, but my hair-tips break easily and also, taking into account that I straighten it often, it usually becomes a bit brittle and fragile. This is increased if I also get exposed to the sun, salt water of the sea and chlorine. So, this year I bought a couple of regenerative shampoos, and I apply an oatmeal hair mask that repairs it once a week for a few minutes in the shower. Finally, I bought an oil that although is a little bit smelly, it serves to protect the hair before going to the beach and also, offers protection against the heat of irons and hairdryer. It's a little greasy, but once you turn the iron or you wet your hair in the water, it stays pretty good.
3 steps facial routine
Finally, I follow the 3-step facial routine throughout the year, but I try to pay much more attention and not forget as much as possible during this season, since I spend much more time outdoors and therefore, I feel more exposed to dust and sweat, which means more crap in my face when the day ends.
My facial routine does not imply anything special. Truth is that I have been developing it over the years as my skin was changing throughout my teenage years, with annoying ups and downs with my acne, allergies to certain products, etc.
At the very end, this routine consists of washing my face with a mild soap (I am now using a mousse that I bought at the nearest supermarket. I chose the cheapest one I found, because I did not know any of the brands at that time, and it works wonders) and then, clean with a tonic and a cotton pressing carefully into my skin. Then, I wait for the tonic to dry and I put on a special moisturizer for oily skin and prone to acne skin types. And that's it! It's an easy beauty routine in less than 10 minutes that I do every morning and at night, and I feel that with this small gesture it's easier to start the day.
What would be your best beauty Summer advice?

1 comentarios
Unos consejos estupendos!!besos