Summer musings about brown dresses and makeup
9:00 AM
The brown color is for me a shade I mostly associate to late Autumn season and cold months. When it's Summer and I'm on vacation, I almost feel like I must wear vibrant colors, fun prints with flowers and similar motifs. It may be because it is very warm and there is a lot of sunlight, I'm not really sure. I liked this skater dress from brand Almatrichi in particular because it's made of a very light cotton neoprene. Truth is that the high buttoned neck is a bit overwhelming but, nevertheless, it's still a very light and comfortable dress even being brown. It's still that great Summery dress to wear on holidays and around the beach promenade!
I'm experimenting a bit with the colors I'm wearing this Summer, and I'm also trying to lighten my usual makeup a bit. There's nothing that bothers me more than getting home with that annoying cake-effect on my face due to makeup excess, so, I'm trying to mix my regular on-the-go makeup foundation with moisturizer in a 50%-50% proportion, and avoid extras as powder or blush. My pores need a bit of rest! I think it is a winning combination that can be appreciated in these ootd pictures, although it is true that the heat of the season is causing a bit of madness and imbalance in the quality of my skin. Acne, rednesses and other imperfections in my skin are there, and it is important to accept them and even if I hide them with makeup, recognize that I have those skin problems and that sometimes these things happen.
My conclusion today is that Summer is a wonderful time to experiment and make some changes!

I was wearing:
Almatrichi skater dress
Lacoste bag
Michael Kors wedges
NewLook earrings
Almatrichi skater dress
Lacoste bag
Michael Kors wedges
NewLook earrings

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