Goodies: Three wise men
11:30 AM
Spanish traditions. As some of you might know, Santa Claus is not really who brings us gifts on Christmas' Eve. Instead of him, we have the ''Reyes Magos'' (''the three wise men'' in English? I'm not really sure) which leave kids toys and gifts for adults on the morning of 6th January. There are parades and lots of typical things we do that night. It's really fun when you're young, or if you have children at home because everybody is shouting really excited and running up and down the house, like ''look at this, look at my new toy''.
Now that I'm older it's still a thing we do at home, and we keep giving us things. Although it is to be a bit happier during the last day of vacation before we return to our classes. The truth is that except the book that you'll see below (you know: Architecture things), I did not ask for anything special (it's funny because as a child, I used to make endless lists of things I wanted) but received some really cute things which are going to be on my closet for a long, long time.

Architecture book: ''Neufert'' which is like the Bible for Architects. Marc Jacobs transparent white sunnies.

Chanel makeup, which is some of my favorites ever because it's amazing quality (plus no allergies for my eyes, yay!) and lovely packaging. The lipstick is '' Chanel Lune Rousse'' with a really beautiful maroon pigmentation, and also that lasts a long!

Plaid/tartan bag and purse from Parfois. Statement rhinestone necklace from Zara.
What about you? Did you receive some gifts this past holidays? What are the traditions on your country?
6 comentarios
Hola Amanda, qué regalazos!! Eso es que te has portado bien durante el año jeje
ReplyDeleteYo tampoco me puedo quejar, la verdad, porque entre otras cosas me han regalado un viaje a Córdoba, que espero disfrutar en breve :)
Wow, qué suerte! Nunca he estado por Córdoba, está en mi lista de lugares por visitar :)
DeleteOjalá que lo disfrutes mucho, un beso!
love those sunglasses! xx
thank you sweetie! :)
Deleteel pintalabios granate es demasiado perfecto
(we follow black fashion blogs)
jajaja, gracias! Estoy pensando seriamente, incluso en ponérmelo para ir a clase... :D
DeleteMuchas gracias por el comentario!